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Konakion MM 10 mg/ml Ingredient activeCategoria legalPOM: Medicine by prescription Last Updated at emc: 17 Nov 2020 Show Table of Contents Hide Table of Contents This information is intended to be used by health professionals Konakion MM Ampoules 10 mg/ml injection solution Fitomenadiona 10 mg/1 ml injection solutionEach ampoule contains 10 mg of vitamin K1 (phytomenadione) in 1 ml. Injection solution. Amber glass beans containing 10 mg of phytomenadena in 1 ml. The blistering solution is clear to a slightly opaque and pale yellow color and contains the active component in a mixed vehicle of glycolic acid and lecithin micelons. Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml is indicated as an antidote to anticoagulants of the type of coumarin in the treatment of bleeding or threatened hemorrhage, associated with a low level of protrombin blood or factor VII. Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml is for intravenous injection. Adults Adults Serious or life-threatening hemorrhage, for example during anticoagulant therapy: The coumarin anticoagulant should be removed and an intravenous injection of Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml slowly given (more than 30 seconds) at a dose of 5-10 mg along with protrombin complex concentrate (PCC). Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) can be used if PCC is not available. The patient's INR should be estimated three hours later and, if the response has been inadequate, the dose should be repeated. No more than 40 mg of Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml should be given intravenously in 24 hours. Coagulation profiles should be monitored daily until they have returned to acceptable levels; in severe cases, more frequent follow-up is required. Serious or life-threatening hemorrhage, for example during anticoagulant therapy: Dosage recommendations for vitamin K1 therapy in patients with major and life-threatening bleeding: Anticoagulatory State Intravenous vitamin K1 Concomitant therapy Warfarin Major hemorrhage 5.0 mg PCC1 Blessing threatening life 5.0 to 0.00 mg PCC1 AnticoagulantCondition Intravenous Vitamin K1Concomitant TherapyWarfarin Hemorragia greater0,0 mgPCC1 Hemorrhagia that threatens life5.0 to 10.0 mgPCC1PCC, protrombin complex concentrate 1 fresh frozen plasma (FFP) can be used if PCC is not available Less severe hemorragia: Less severe hemorragia: Treatment of asymptomatic patients with high INR values depends on factors such as the underlying indication of anticoagulation, INR value, duration of the past time outside the therapeutic range INR, characteristics of the patient (e.g. age, comorbidity, concomitant medication) and associated risk of hemorrhage. The following dose recommendations are provided only for therapeutic guidance: Dosage recommendations for vitamin K1 therapy in patients with high international asymptomatic ratio (INR) with or without mild hemorrhage: Anticoagulatory INR Intravenous vitamin K1 Warfarin 5-9 0.5 to 1.0 mg √9 1.0 mg Anticoagulant vitamin RIntravenous K1Warfarin5-90.5 to 1.0 mg Ø91.0 mg For small doses one or more ampoules of Konakion MM Paediatric/ Phytomenadione 2 mg/0.2 ml solution for injection (samo solution). Reversion of anticoagulation before surgery Anticoagulation Reversal Before Surgery Patients who require emergency surgery that may be delayed for 6-12 hours may be given 5 mg of intravenous vitamin K1 to reverse the anticoagulant effect. If surgery cannot be delayed, PCC can be given in addition to intravenous vitamin K1 and INR is checked before surgery. Use with anticoagulants other than warfarin Use with non-warpharine anticoagulants Previous dosing recommendations apply to patients taking warfarin. There are limited data on the investment of the effects of other anticoagulants, such as acenocoumarol or phenprocoumon. Semi-lives of these anticoagulants are different from warfarin and different doses of vitamin K1. Special dose instructions Special dose instructions Old Old Older patients tend to be more sensitive to anticoagulation investment with Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml. The dose for this group of patients should be at the lower end of the recommended ranges. Instructions for Adult Infusion Instructions for Adult Infusion This medication is for intravenous injection and should be diluted with 55 ml of 5% glucose before slowly infusing the product. The solution must be freshly prepared and protected against light. Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml solution should not be diluted or mixed with other injectables, but can be injected into the bottom of an infusion device. Children aged 1 to 18 Children aged 1 to 18 It is advisable to consult a haematologist about the proper research and treatment in any child in which Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml is being considered. The appropriate indications for the use of vitamin K in children are limited and may include:1. Children with disorders that interfere with the absorption of vitamin K (chronic diarrhea, cystic fibrosis, bile atresia, hepatitis, celiac disease).2. Children with poor nutrition who receive broad-spectrum antibiotics.3. Hepatic disease.4. Patients who receive anticoagulant therapy with warfarin in which INR is increased outside the therapeutic range and are therefore at risk of bleeding and those who have a therapeutic range. For patients in warfarin therapy, therapeutic intervention should take into account the reason why the child is in warfarin and whether anticoagulant therapy should continue (e.g. in a child with mechanical heart valve or repeated thromboembolic complications) as the administration of vitamin K is likely to interfere with warfarin anticoagulation for 2-3 weeks. It should be noted that the earliest effect observed with the treatment of vitamin K is at 4-6 hours and, therefore, in patients with severe replenishment of bleeding with coagulation factors can be indicated (discussion with haematologist). Vitamin K dose Vitamin K dose There are few available data on the use of this medication in children over 1 year old. No studies have been conducted in children with bleeding. Therefore, the optimal dose should be decided by the treatment doctor according to the patient's indication, clinical situation and weight. Suggested doses based on clinical experience are the following: Children with greater and life-threatening bleeding A dose of 5 mg of vitamin K1 IV is suggested (together with PCC if appropriate, or FFP if PCC is not available). Children with high asymptomatic International Standardized Protio (INR) with or without mild bleeding It has been reported that intravenous vitamin K1 in doses of 30 micrograms/kg is effective in investing the high asymptomatic (set 8) in clinically well children. The patient's INR must be measured 2 to 6 hours later and if the response has not been adequate, the dose can be repeated. Frequent monitoring of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors is essential in these patients. Neonates and babies Neonates and babies Konakion MM Paediatric/Phytomenadione 2 mg/0.2 ml injection solution should be used in these patients (see separate prescription information). Use in patients with hypersensitivity known to any of the constituents. This medicine should not be administered intramuscularly because the IM route shows deposit characteristics and the continuous release of vitamin K1 would lead to difficulties with the re-institution of anticoagulation therapy. In addition, IM injections given to anticoagulate subjects cause a risk of haematoma formation. When treating patients with severe impaired liver function, it should be taken into account that a 1 ml ampoule of Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml contains 54.6 mg of glycolic acid and this may have a bilirubin displacement effect. The careful monitoring of INR is necessary after the administration of this medication in patients with a severely affected liver function. At the time of use, the contents of the ampoule should be clear. After an incorrect storage, the content can become turbanized or present a phase separation. In this case the blistering should no longer be used. In life-threatening and severe hemorrhage due to overdose of coumarin anticoagulants, Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml intravenous injections should be administered slowly and not more than 40 mgs should be administered for a 24-hour period. Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml therapy should be accompanied by more immediate treatment such as the transfusion of whole blood or blood clotting factors. When patients with prosthesis heart valves receive transfusions for the treatment of severe or potentially fatal bleeding, fresh frozen plasma should be used. The use of vitamin K1 in patients with mechanical heart valves is generally avoided, unless you have increased bleeding. The large doses of Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml (no more than 40 mg per day) should be avoided if it is intended to continue with anticoagulant therapy because there is no dose experience above this maximum of 40 mg per day and higher doses can result in unexpected adverse events. Clinical studies have shown a sufficient decrease in INR with the recommended dose. If bleeding is severe, a fresh whole blood transfusion may be necessary while waiting for the effect of vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 is not an antidote for heparin. No significant interactions are known apart from the antagonism of coumarin anticoagulants. There is no specific evidence about the safety of Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml in pregnancy, but, as with most medicines, administration during pregnancy should only occur if the benefits exceed the risks. This medication is not recommended for pregnant women as a prophylaxis of vitamin K deficiency in the newborn. NoneAnaphylactoid reactions have been reported after intravenous injections of this medication. Very seldom, venous irritation or pneumotitis has been reported in association with the intravenous administration of Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml mixed cell solution. Reporting of suspected adverse reactions Report suspicious adverse reactionsDenunciate suspicious adverse reactions after the authorization of the medicinal product is important. It allows to continue monitoring the balance of benefits/risks of the medicinal product. Health professionals are asked to report any suspicious adverse reaction through the yellow card schema at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard or search the yellow MHRA card at the Google Play or Apple App Store. Vitamin K1 hypervitaminosis is unknown. The reintroduction of the anticoagulation may be affected. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antihaemorrhagics (vitamins), ATC B02BA01.Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml is a synthetic preparation of vitamins K. The presence of vitamin K (i.e. vitamin K or substances with vitamin K activity) is essential for the formation within the protrombine body, factor VII, factor IX and factor X. The lack of vitamin K leads to a growing trend of bleeding. When an antidote is needed to an anticoagulant it is essential to use vitamin K1 itself, as vitamin K analogs are much less effective. In the mixed solution of the micellas, vitamin K1 is solubilized by a physiological system colloidal, also found in the human body, composed of lecithin and bile acid. Due to the absence of organic solvents, Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml mixed cell solution is well tolerated in intravenous administration. In blood plasma, 90% of vitamin K1 is linked to lipoproteins. After an intramuscular dose of 10 mg of vitamin K, plasma concentrations of 10-20 mcg/l (normal range 0.4-1.2 mcg/l) occur. Systemic availability after intramuscular administration is approximately 50% and the elimination of half-life in plasma is approximately 1.5-3 hours. It's not applicable. Gliclic acid HSE Sodium hydroxide Ph. Eur Lecithin (phospholipon 100) HSE Hydrochlortic acid Ph. Eur. Ph injection water. Eur. None Konakion MM/Phytomenadione recommended useful life 10 mg/1 ml is 36 months. The recommended maximum storage temperature is 25°C. Do not use if the solution is turbanized. Konakion MM/Phytomenadione 10 mg/1 ml is supplied in amber glass ampoules containing 10 mg of phytotomenadione in 1 ml. The blistering solution is clear to a slightly opaque and pale yellow color and contains the active component in a mixed vehicle of glycolic acid and lecithin micelons. See section 4.2. Neon Healthcare LimitedMill Studio Business CentreCrane MeadWare, HertfordshireSG12 9PYUnited KingdomPL 45043/004008/04/200822/10/2020 Last updated on emc: 17 Nov 2020 Company contact information Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbHZiegelhof 24, 17489 Greifswald, Germany+49 (0) 3834 3914 00 1920 434+44 (0) +49 (0) 3834 3914 119 +44 (0) 1302 553 070Book this medication To mark a medicine you must register and register. Send this medication To send an email to a medicine you must register and log in. See changes in medicine To see changes in a medicine you must register and log in. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you agree with our policy on the use of cookies.

Vitamin K1 Ampul Generic Name(S): phytonadione (vitamin K1) The injectable form can rarely cause severe allergic reactions (sometimes fatal) when given by injection into a muscle or vein. Therefore, vitamin K should be injected into a muscle or vein only when it cannot be given under injection or taken by , or when your doctor has judged that the benefit is greater than the risk. Find immediate medical care if you experience symptoms of such as , , inflammation, , or . Uses are used to treat and prevent low levels of certain substances ( ) that your body naturally produces. These substances help your blood thicken and stop bleeding normally (e.g. after a cut or accidental injury). Low levels of blood clotting factors increase the risk of unusual bleeding. Low levels can be caused by certain (e.g.) or medical conditions (e.g. obstructionist). Vitamin K helps to treat and prevent unusual bleeding by increasing the body's production of blood clotting factors. How to Use Vitamin K1 Ampul This is given by injection under the muscle or in a vein as indicated by your doctor. If this medication is given in a vein, it should be injected very slowly (no more than 1 milligrams per minute) to reduce the risk of serious side effects. (See also section Warning.) The dose is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. If you are giving this medicine to yourself at home, learn all the instructions of preparation and use of your professional. The solution is usually clear and yellow in color. Before using, check this product visually for particles or discoloration. If anyone is present, do not use the liquid. Learn how to safely store and discard medical supplies. If you are using a certain "" drug (), you may decrease warfarin effects for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, make sure you take your vitamin K and warfarin exactly as directed by your doctor or . If you develop easy bruising or bleeding, look for immediate medical attention. You may need another dose of vitamin K. Side effects Pain, swelling, or pain at the injection site may occur. Temporary washing, taste changes, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, or bluish lips //nails may also occur rarely. If any of these effects persist or get worse, tell your doctor or promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed it because you have judged that the benefit for you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people who use this medication have no serious side effects. A very serious drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a severity, including: , /swelling (especially face / / trot), severe dizziness, . This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you note other effects that are not listed above, please contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the United States - Call your doctor to advise you on side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or at www.fda.gov/medwatch. In Canada - Call your doctor to advise you about side effects. You may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345. Precautions Before using, tell your doctor or if you are allergic to it; or if you have any other. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before using this, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: , , . This product may contain aluminum, which may seldom accumulate dangerous levels in the body. Risk can be increased if this product is used for a long time, especially in people with illness. Tell your doctor immediately if you notice any symptoms of too much aluminum in the body as muscle, bone pain or mental changes. During , this medication should be used only when it is clearly necessary. Discuss risks and benefits with your doctor. It is not known if this medicine passes to milk. Talk to your doctor before breastfeeding. Interactions can change how your work or increase your risk of serious side effects. This document does not contain everything possible. Keep a list of all the products you use (including prescription and nonprescription medications and herbal products) and share it with your doctor and . Do not start, stop or change the dose of any medication without your doctor's approval. Some products that may interact with this medication include: "" (e.g., ), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., , ). may increase the risk of bleeding. However, if your doctor has directed you to take low doses for or (usually at a dose of 81-325 milligrams a day), you should continue to take it unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details. Overdose If someone has overdose and has severe symptoms like fainting or call 911. Otherwise, call a poison control center immediately. U.S. residents can call their local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents can call a provincial poison control center. Laboratory and/or medical tests (e.g., , INR) should be performed to monitor progress or verify side effects. See your doctor for more details. is commonly found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, necks and broccoli. Follow any dietary guide recommended by your professional. For the best possible benefit, it is important to receive each scheduled dose of this as indicated. If you forget a dose, contact your doctor or immediately to set up a new dosing schedule. Do not double the dose to catch up. Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Don't get in the bathroom. Keep everyone away from children and pets. Unveil any unused portion of single-use containers. Do not throw medications on the toilet or pour them into a drainage unless you are told to. Discard this product correctly when it is expired or is no longer necessary. See your local waste disposal company. Images vitamin K 1 mg/0.5 mL injection solutionvitamin K 1 mg/0.5 mL injection solution This medication is a yellow, clear solution and may also like Related Links Select a condition to see a list of medication options Are you currently using Vitamin K1 Ampul? This survey is being conducted by the WebMD marketing science department. Free RX Coupon Save up to 80% in your recipes. Available coupons Save up to 80% in your recipe with data selectors included with permission and copyrighted by First Databank, Inc. This copyrighted material has been downloaded from an authorized data provider and is not for distribution, except as may be authorized by applicable terms of use. USE CONDITIONS: The information in this database is intended to complement, not replace, the experience and judgment of health professionals. The information is not intended to cover all possible uses, addresses, precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects, nor should it be interpreted that the use of a particular medication is safe, appropriate or effective for you or any other person. A health care professional should be consulted before taking any medication, changing any diet or starting or interrupting any treatment course. Today on WebMDMedications that make you tiredCommon guilty and what you can do. Pharmacy and Drug Tips Remember when you fill your recipe. Side effects of medicinesTips to treat with them. Medical Reading Tags How to make sense of them. More about Medicines and MedicinesHealth SolutionsMore WebMD Policies About WebMD Network Our applications for advertisers © 2005 - 2021 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved. DMA does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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